Re-Thinking the Rut

Re-Thinking the Rut

It's probably safe to say we all like to chase screaming bulls, but how many of us bowhunters WAIT to hunt until we can hunt the peak of the rut? How many of us wait to until the END of the season, or the end of September, so that we CAN – presumably – hunt the peak of the rut? What if I was to tell you that, depending on where you're hunting, and depending on the season, waiting until later in September might be a mistake???

In this 8-part video series, Chris Roe will talk about several factors that influence the rut, and rut timing, and he's NOT talking about the Moon Phase!

Re-Thinking the Rut
  • Initial Considerations

    In this video, Chris goes over two important initial considerations to set the stage for what he talks about in the series. While one of these considerations is vitally important for those hunting in Colorado, both have wide applicability to folks hunting elk in September no matter where you mig...

  • Annual Cycles of Elk

    In this video, Chris goes over the annual cycle of both cows and bulls. Starting in the fall breeding season, Chris goes through the next 365 days and explains what goes on – both physiologically and behaviorally – with cows and bulls. These cycles are important to understand for the subsequent v...

  • Factors Affecting Annual Cycles of Cows and Bulls

    In this video, Chris goes beyond the basic annual cycles of Elk (discussed in Video #3), and discusses the specific factors that can affect cow estrus cycles, and bull behavioral cycles.

  • Weather and Habitat Changes

    In this video, Chris goes over the "environmental" factors, herd dynamics, and habitat changes that can impact elk behavior and physiology, both of which may have impacts on cow estrus cycling and bull "rutting" behavior.

  • Influences on the Timing of Estrus

    In this video, Chris takes what he discussed in videos 2–5, and explains how those considerations, factors, and influences, affect cow estrus cycling and specific timing.

  • The Influence on, and of, Bulls

    In this video, Chris takes what he discussed in the previous videos, and explains how those considerations, factors, and influences, affect bull behavioral and physiological cycling, and how those effects can relate to – or influence – cow estrus cycling.

  • Using This Information

    In this video, Chris takes the information shared throughout the series, and shares his thoughts on what you should be doing with regard to scouting, and overall hunt planning, to maximize your likelihood of correctly "predicting" when the rut might hit in your hunting area, and the elk you'll be...