Next Level Discussions

Next Level Discussions

"Next Level Discussions" are videos that offer an opportunity to take a conceptual deep dive into various topics contained with the "Applications" section, and allow for that "next level" in discussion regarding the concepts, ideas, behavior, vocalizations, calling strategies, set-ups, etc. that you find within the "Strategies in Action" videos.

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Next Level Discussions
  • Making the Shot - Part One: Coming to Full Draw

    Folks ask all the time about "what I would do differently in the Strategies in Action videos if I was actually hunting" in those instances. My tongue-in-cheek [but honest] answer has always been "kill the bull!" But all joking aside, how would I draw my bow with the elk that close, and how would...

  • Making the Shot - Part Two: Addressing "Quartering-To" Shots

    In this video, we continue with the original discussion, but add to it the challenge of the "quartering-to" shot angle/presentation. As you will see, the take-away here is that, the FIRST shot opportunity when the animal pauses in the Doorway isn't necessarily the BEST – and ONLY – shot opportuni...

  • Making the Shot – Strategies in Action: Using Voice Chuckles to Stop a Bull

    This video follows up on the previous discussion in the "Making the Shot" videos and demonstrates how Chris uses his voice to chuckle at a bull and stop him in the desired shooting window. In addition, this Strategies in Action video shares great lessons in using minimal calling when a bull is cl...

  • Making the Shot – Strategies in Action: Satellite Bull or Herd Bull?

    Another video that follows up on the previous discussion in the "Making the Shot" videos. For this sequence, Chris once again uses a more Targeted Cow Calling Strategy, but this time to call in BOTH the satellite bull and the herd bull. During the video, Chris also provides insights as to what he...

  • Is the "Contact Mew" Worthless?

    A question was posted to the original RHR Forum that not only lent itself to being answered in a video, it touched on something that Chris had been thinking about for a while; how often, and in what way, do elk use the Chirp in relation to the Contact mew and the Lost mew? The original question ...