Locating Elk

Locating Elk

In these videos, Chris goes over how he goes about locating elk during late-morning/midday hours; he explains why he chooses the particular area and time for his efforts, how he uses a Contact Bugle (Level 1) in these scenarios, and how long you sometimes have to wait in order to receive a response - if you even get one.

Locating Elk
  • Midday Prospecting - Part One

    In this video, Chris goes over how he goes about locating elk during late-morning/midday hours; he explains why he chooses the particular area and time for his efforts, how he uses a Contact Bugle (Level 1) in these scenarios, and how long you sometimes have to wait in order to receive a response...

  • Midday Prospecting - Part Two

    Part Two in this two-part series, this video is similar to other “Strategies in Action” videos wherein Chris goes through everything he does to move in, set up, and call the elk that were located in Part One. You'll also see the limitations of hunting in open habitats where "The Doorway" can be a...