The Frustrated Whine
Cow Elk Vocalizations
This episode covers a vocalization Chris refers to as the Frustrated Whine. One of two vocalizations that essentially relays an elk's disposition attitude or "emotion," the Frustrated Whine can be a great vocalization to use to enhance the vocal imagery you are creating during your calling sequences. You will learn what it sounds like, what it means, how to correctly reproduce it, and possible uses of this vocalization in the field.
Up Next in Cow Elk Vocalizations
The Aggravated Whine
This episode covers a vocalization Chris refers to as the Aggravated Whine. The second of two vocalizations that essentially relays an elk's disposition attitude or "emotion" regarding a particular situation, the Aggravated Whine can be another effective vocalization to use to enhance the vocal i...
The Alarm Bark
This episode covers a vocalization commonly known as the Alarm Bark. Quite likely one of the most dreaded elk vocalizations heard by hunters in the field each year, most recognize the sound as an elk vocally indicating that danger is nearby. But there is more to understanding the Alarm Bark than ...
The Long Mew
While it may not be a “stand alone” vocalization in and of itself, it can be a very effective “vocalization” to use out in the field. In this video, Chris goes over the Long Mew, what it may mean, and how he uses it in his calling sequences.